On the command line on the client side:
prompt> php sendFiles.php dir_to_be_sent
At the end of execution a file called YYYYMMDD-log.txt will be on the current directory. YYYY will be the 4 digits of current year. MM the 2 digits of current month and DD 2 the 2 digits of current day. Its possible to monitor the log file during execution.
To monitor the progress of the log file:
prompt> tail -f AAAAMMDD-log.txt
To interrupt use Ctrl+C
Note 1: "php" must be on the path or you will have to specify the whole path to it.
Note 2: the 3 php files (class, config and program) must be where you will run the command. To avoid this and make it work from anywhere one option is to put a new first line on sendFiles.php like:
This line will tell unix which executable must interpret this script. Than you put sendFiles.php in some place to where your path points and make it executable with something like:
prompt> chmod 755 sendFiles.php
Then you would need either to edit sendFiles.php and put absolute paths to the config and class files or put them in your php include path.
On a Windows environment you can monitor the log file with a program like "Tail for Win32". For the impatient, a direct link to the zip file.
Note 1: "php" must be on the path or you will have to specify the whole path to it.
Note 2: the 3 php files (class, config and program) must be where you will run the command.
Note 3: I have tested with the PHP downloaded from http://windows.php.net/download/
I dowloaded the zip file of VC6 version thread safe to use it on Win XP
With the zip you don't need to be administrator, as it will work from extracted path
I didn't put it on my path and it worked with something like:
prompt> ..\..\php\php.exe sendFiles.php test_dir